UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

“ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” 137 for students on a first-come-first-served basis. Individual spaces cannot be reserved. All vehicles entering and exiting the campus may be subject to search. S P E E D L I M I T The speed limit on campus is 25 km/ph and must be adhered to at all times. Students who habit- ually violate the speed limit and drive recklessly may have their privilege of driving on the campus rescinded. This is a learning institution and as such, loud music/noise levels associated with car stereos, car mufflers and exhaust systems will be considered unacceptable. The Safety and Security Department has equip- ment to measure decibel levels and any vehicle exceeding the acceptable levels may be banned from the campus. Students must be able to sleep, study and social- ize in a clean and safe environment. The playing of loud and vulgar music on the Halls of Residence is strictly prohibited and is considered unacceptable and a violation as it disturbs other residents. P A R K I N G V I O L AT I O N T I C K E T S A N D C L A M P I N G A vehicle will be ticketed and clamped if: • it is parked in a space assigned to another category of user; • it is parked in a NO PARKING zone. If your vehicle has been clamped before 4:00 p.m.: • Take the parking violation ticket (issued in triplicate) to Accounts Receivable on the ground floor of the Administration Build- ing and pay the $500 fine. • Take a copy of the ticket with receipt number indicated thereon to the Security Operations Office located in the Safety and Security Department (Administration Building). The Traffic Warden will then be contacted to have the vehicle unclamped. • If the fee is not paid by 4:00 p.m., to the Accounts Receivables Office then payment must be made to the Security Operations Officer on duty who will then issue a written receipt with the Department’s Stamp. The receipt is then presented to the officer on duty at the point of exit. The motorist will be allowed to leave. This payment will be surrendered at 8:00 a.m. at the Accounts Receivable on the next business day. The vehicle will then be unclamped. M A R I J U A N A U S E O N C A M P U S On the premises of the University, the National Law relating to ganja is applicable and will be applied. Any person found with ANY QUANTITY OF GANJA by the Campus Security agents, will have the ganja confiscated, sealed in an envelope and retained as evidence in any disciplinary matter. In some circumstances, the campus secu- rity agents may also make reports to the police concerning ganja possession and use. If the ganja found exceeds two ounces, the campus security shall also be required to report this fact to the Uni- versity authorities for disciplinary consideration (NB: the Safety and Security Department is not equipped to determine the weight of ganja). It is lawful for ganja to be consumed on private prop- S E C U R I T Y