UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

Student Relations Office through the Univer- sity’s Health Services Administrator. The medical certificate may be obtained from: i. a medical practitioner at UTech Medical Centre or ii. a personal medical practitioner. The medi- cal practitioner is required to send a confidential medical report using the designated form to the Medical Prac- titioner at the UTech Medical Centre so that your case may be considered by the Registrar. Designated forms may be collected at the UTech Medical Centre or downloaded from e:Vision and UTech’s website. Please note that the University reserves the right to request an examination by its medical practitioner. The medical certificate should be presented to the Student Relations Office through the Univer- sity’s Health Services Administrator (Forms should be taken directly to the University Medi- cal Centre) within seven working days of the missed examination or module assessment. Important Note: Certificates received outside of this period will NOT be considered. It is important, that you visit the UTech Medical Centre or private practitioner immediately following your missed examination. MEDICAL CERTIFICATES WHICH SIMPLY STATE: “Mr/Miss X was unfit for work on ‘x’ days” are NOT accept- able. Please bring this to the attention of your doctor. Note: 1. A waiver of examination fees is NOT automatic. 2. Students who absent themselves from examinations or module assessments without a valid reason will receive a failing grade. 3. If there are circumstances, such as illness, which may affect the student’s perform- ance in an examination and the student chooses to write the examination or mod- ule assessment, he/she cannot normally appeal the results. OR A candidate who is unable to write examina- tions/module assessments due to psychosocial stressors is required to submit a report from the University's Counselling Unit ONLY to the Stu- dent Relations Office through the University’s Counselling Psychologists and Psychiatrists for consideration by the Registrar. Designated forms may be collected at the Counselling Unit located at the Medical Centre or downloaded from e: Vision and UTech’s website. Forms must be sent directly from the Counselling Unit within five working days (Monday–Friday) of the missed examination or module assessment. Important Note: Reports and forms received outside of this period will NOT be considered. Note: 1. A waiver of examination fees is NOT automatic. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” E X A M I N A T I O N S 123