UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

C O U R S E W I T H D R AWA L Enrolled students who are unable to continue their studies must notify the Registrar in writ- ing, copied to their Head of School/Department and the Enrolment Officer. Refunds will be made in accordance with the Refund Payment Schedule, see page 93. O NLINE A DD /D ROP An electronic Add/Drop form may be accessed via the internet only by registered students who wish to add or drop modules from their diet. Programme directors, lecturers, academic advisors or any other designated person will be able to support or deny the students’ requests electronically. Registered students only, may obtain a password to access the online Add/Drop from the School of Computing and Information Technology (SCIT). The Add/Drop facility may be accessed on the home page of the University's website-as one of the links at the top of the page. Otherwise go directly to https://www.utech.edu.jm/AddDrop/. Use the link below to view the instructional video on the Add/Drop Procedure. Click the help link on the top right hand to start the tuto- rial on making the request. http://www.utechja - maica.edu.jm/adddrop/ (See Add/Drop policy, page 214) E X T E N S I O N S O F R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R G R A D U AT E S T U D E N T S • Extensions of registration may be granted by the College/Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee as required and in exceptional circumstances. • During the final year of studentship , where it appears that the requirements are unlikely to be met by the maximum date, students MUST apply in writing, through their supervisor, for an extension to the College/Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee for such extensions to be granted. • The application should detail the reasons for the extension being sought and may include the difficulties that might have been experienced, and why the candidate is unable to complete in the expected time. These difficulties should have been referred to in the student’s progress reports over the period. • The student and supervisor must provide the Committee with a realistic estimate of the time required to complete the course. The time period should be no longer than one calendar year. • Extensions are not granted automatically. • Requests for extensions must be made in advance. • Where an extension is granted the follow- ing steps must be taken: o A Student Extension Request form must be signed by the student and lodged by the College/Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee, through the Pro- gramme Coordinator or the student’s supervisor. o Fees will be calculated for such students based on the extension period and applicable policies. R E G I S T R A T I O N A N D E N R O L M E N T 115