UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

he/she has settled his/her full tuition obligation. Ques. 22: If my sponsor/donor pays more than my fees and my account is in credit but I have made no out-of-pocket payment, can I get a refund? Ans.: No. Even if the student’s account is in credit but the student has NOT made an out of pocket payment the stu- dent cannot get a refund unless the sponsor instructs the University in writing to make the payment to the student. Ques. 23: If I am sponsored or a recipient of a scholarship, but I paid an excess on my tuition, will the excess be refunded to me? Ans.: Yes. You may request a refund of the excess paid by you; however, this can only be refunded after the sponsor has paid the amount committed. Ques. 24: What will happen if I receive a full sponsorship/scholarship after being approved for the Students’ Loan and Grant-In-Aid? Ans.: The student is required to immedi- ately inform both the Students Loan Bureau and the Sponsorship/Scholar- ship Unit in writing. The Bureau may require the student to forego the loan, however, if the student wishes to keep both the loan and the schol- arship, s/he must write to the Bureau and make a formal request to do so. Ques. 25: Can unused funds paid by my spon- sor /donor for an academic year be utilized in future academic years? Ans.: Yes. A credit in one academic year may be transferred to another aca- demic year by making a written request at the Student Financial Services Unit in the Finance Division. E X A M I N AT I O N S Ques. 26: If my account has an outstanding bal- ance, will UTech, Ja give me the opportunity to write my final exams? Ans.: Once you are a fully registered stu- dent you will be able to sit your exams, even if you have a balance on your account. Ques. 27: I paid my fees in full but no modules are printed on my exam card. Will I be allowed to write the exams? Ans.: No. It is the responsibility of the stu- dent to check E:Vision to ensure that the modules registered for, are on his/her diet. Missing modules must be reported to the Admissions Office immediately, and not to the Accounts Department. R E F U N D Ques. 28: If I have overpaid on my fees, what is the refund procedure and how long will it take? Ans.: Students must complete the Refund Request Form and submit to the Stu- dent Financial Services Department “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 111