UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

Ans.: No. All modules added within the add/drop period must be paid for in full. Ques. 10: If I am awaiting a credit adjustment to my account, should I wait until the adjustment is done before paying my current tuition? Ans.: No. You should pay your current tuition in full and await the account update on the amount to be adjusted. S T U D E N T S ’ L O A N B U R E A U Ques. 11: If my loan is approved by the Stu- dents’ Loan Bureau and I have com- pleted all the necessary processes at the Bureau, will UTech, Ja. ensure that the Bureau remits payment on my behalf? Ans.: No. It is the responsibility of the stu- dent to ensure that the Students’ Loan Bureau remits payment to the University. Students can either check with the Students’ Loan Bureau, through the Students’ Portal on E:Vision, or with the Student Financial Services Unit in the Finance Division, to verify that payment has been made. Ques. 12: If I am sponsored by the Students’ Loan Bureau do I still have to pay to register? Ans.: Yes. Students are required to pay the mandatory ancillary fees as the Stu- dents’ Loan Bureau is responsible for tuition fees only. Ques. 13: How will UTech, Ja treat excess funds received from the Students’ Loan Bureau? Ans.: The University is required to return all unused funds to the Bureau at the end of each academic year. Ques. 14: What will happen if the Students’ Loan Bureau remits my loan short? Ans.: The student will be required to pay the difference, but s/he can also apply to the Students’ Loan Bureau for reassessment, and if approved, the student will be refunded the amount paid out of pocket if a credit remains on his/her account. Ques. 15: If I choose to do fewer modules than the number approved by the Stu- dents’ Loan Bureau for the academic year, can the unused funds from the Bureau be transferred from one aca- demic year to the next? Ans.: If the student has a Targeted Loan, the money cannot be transferred. The Students’ Loan Bureau requires the University to return all unused funds at the end of each academic year. Therefore, such a student would need to make a formal request to the Bureau for the funds to be transferred to the next academic year. If approved, the Students’ Loan Bureau will instruct the University in writing. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 109