UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

5. Final year students are NOT allowed to work in semesters 1 and 2 of their last year; but may work in the summer session of that final year. 6. Students on Academic Probation (GPA of 1.70 or below) will not be employed on the Regular Earn & Study Programme as they will need to focus on improving their aca- demic performance and in order to main- tain their studentship. 7. For the Regular Programme, students do not get to select where they are placed but all efforts will be made to ensure that there is a best fit’ for placements taking into account the students’, experience, skills and the Department’s needs. 8. However, a student is not disadvantaged due to lack of experience or qualification as the aim of the Regular Programme is to expose students to the world of work and to provide that desired experience which will assist them once they have completed their studies. 9. The application period for the Regular Earn & Study Programme are as follows: • Semesters I and II – August of each year • Summer Session – April of each year E L I G I B I L I T Y C R I T E R I A F O R T H E E X PA N D E D E A R N & S T U D Y P R O G R A MM E 1. All enrolled unemployed students are eligible to participate in the Earn & Study Programme. 2. However, placement on the expanded pro- gramme is dependent on a student’s avail- ability since this programme usually requires students to work well beyond the 25 hours a week required for the Regular Programme. 3. Often the required work hours are between 8:00 and 4:00 and so an ideal candidate for the Expanded Programme should not be carrying the full credit load; but should instead be enrolled on modules which equate to part-time studies. 4. For the Expanded Programme, students do not get to select where they are placed. Placements are done based on the specific needs of the Department in an attempt to achieve the right job fit with the skills and experience that the receiving Department needs. 5. Students at all programme levels are able to work and there are no restrictions on the employment period for a student within each academic year. This means that stu- dents are allowed to work unbroken throughout the academic year. 6. However, students on Academic Probation (GPA of 1.70 or below) will not be employed on the Expanded Earn & Study Programme as they will need to focus on improving their academic performance and in order to maintain their studentship. 7. There is no specific application period for the Expanded Programme as placement is “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 107