UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

P R O C E D U R E S F O R A P P LY I N G F O R S C H O L A R S H I P S Students may apply for ALL scholarships for which they are eligible based on their pro- gramme level. In order to apply, students are required to complete an application form (avail- able online at www.utech.edu.jm ); Click on Admissions/Student Financing/Forms/Scholar- ships) and submit the following documents: 1. Progress Report(s) or CSEC/CAPE Certifi- cates for first year students 2. Records of extra-curricular activities (both on and off campus) 3. Copy of a photo ID (school ID for returning students, Driver’s License or Passport etc. for new students) S T U D E N T W E L FA R E G R A N T S The Student Welfare Unit manages a small fund that is derived from the combined welfare con- tributions which form part of the miscellaneous fees paid annually by each student. Under the guidance of the Student Welfare Committee, these funds are re-directed to assist the Univer- sity’s most needy students. All enrolled stu- dents who contribute to the Student Welfare Fund by the payment of their annual miscella- neous fees are eligible to apply for student wel- fare assistance in the following areas: • Tuition • Books & Supplies • Lunch Subsidy • Transportation (JUTC Bus Passes) • Medical Expense • Boarding/Rent • Teaching Practice Expenses 1. Student Welfare Grants are usually paid to offset the payment of school-related expenses but, in exceptional circum- stances; the grant can be paid directly to the student. 2. Enrolled students at all levels, pursuing an undergraduate course of study are eligible to apply. 3. Applications for lunch assistance are accepted at the start of the academic year, between August and September; while applications for all other forms of assis- tance can be submitted throughout the rest of the academic year (October to July). 4. Applicants must clearly demonstrate need, which should be substantiated in writing through a Reference Affidavit by a minister of religion, justice of the peace, lecturer or senior manager at the University. 5. Application forms are available online at www.utech.edu.jm . 6. Decisions on grant awards are made by the Student Welfare Committee which is chaired by the Student Welfare Officer and is supported by the University’s Coun- selors, Health Care Administrator and Student Services Managers. 7. Recommendations for assistance can also “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 105