UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

3. However, consideration may be given where there are extenuating circumstances (death, disaster, internship clashes, etc.) which would have forced the student to withdraw from the module, outside of the stipulated time. 4. The student is required to put his/her situ- ation in writing to the Registrar through the Student Relations Office for considera- tion at the College/Faculty Student Aca- demic Affairs Committee (C/FSAAC). 5. Having thoroughly reviewed the student's case, if C/FSAAC considers the student’s requests favourably, then they would sub- mit this recommendation to the Student Relations Office, which would make a written submission to the Chief Business & Finance Officer within the Division of Finance & Business Services, for considera- tion regarding the student’s fees. 6. Please note that the Division of Finance & Business Services reserves the right to deny any such recommendation from the College/Faculty Board, if the decision from the Board is deemed unreasonable or is not in keeping with University policies and procedures. W I T H D R AWA L – S H O R T C O U R S E S 1. For short courses, withdrawals should be done within the first 15 working days after the official start date of the course, in order to be eligible for a refund. 2. Withdrawal requests received after the first 15 working days after the official start date of the course are not eligible for a refund. P AY M E N T S F O R B O O K S A N D S P E C I A L N O N - T U I T I O N A L L O WA N C E S The University recognizes that students may receive additional financial support as a func- tion of their sponsorship/scholarship to cover non-tuition expenses such as books, mainte- nance, transportation, rent/boarding, etc. Where a sponsor/donor wishes to provide financial assistance to a sponsored /scholarship student; the sponsor/donor is required to: • remit payment to the University to cover the identified expenses • indicate the name(s) and ID numbers of the students for which the payment of allowance is intended • indicate the purpose for which the allowance is being paid In such cases, the payment of the non-tuition allowance is not contingent on the student’s account reflecting an overall credit balance but is based solely on whether the sponsor/donor has remitted the funds for the non-tuition allowance to the University; with the specific instructions as outlined above. Consequently, the sponsorship/scholarship commitment made towards tuition will be han- dled separately from the non-tuition allowance; since the sponsorship/scholarship commitment will be good for the maximum of 1 academic U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y , J A M A I C A – S T U D E N T H A N D B O O K 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 102