UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

sent by mail, and that date will be used for computing the refund. 12. The Accounts Receivables Unit refunds tuition fees within six weeks, provided that all information and documents have been submitted by the Student Relations Office. 13. Refunds are based on the assessment of charges incurred, e.g., administrative fees, and not upon the amount paid. 14. Students applying for a refund are required to submit the original payment receipt and other supporting documents to the Student Relations Office. R EFUND P ROCEDURE – M ODULE W ITHDRAWALL 1. Requests to withdraw from modules must be submitted to the Head of School for approval no less than two weeks before the official suspension of classes for the semester or the summer session. 2. There is NO refund of module fees when a student withdraws from a module. Stu- dents who have withdrawn from module(s) will be required to pay the full fees to attempt the module(s), at the next available sitting. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 101 Date of Submission of Request to Office % Refund of the Registrar Programme withdrawal for a Semester 0–10 working days from commencement of classes 90% of Tuition 11–25 working days from commencement of classes 60% of Tuition Beyond 25 working days after the commencement of classes *No refund Within 5 working days from commencement of classes 90% of Tuition & Exam 6–15 working days from commencement of classes 60% of Tuition & Exam Beyond 15 working days from commencement of classes *No refund REFUND PAYMENT SCHEDULE (TUITION) – DUE TO WITHDRAWAL * A student is not entitled to a refund beyond 15 and 25 working days after the commencement of classes, as per table above. The student is therefore liable for all outstanding fees as per module selection and would be required to settle fees in accordance with the terms and conditions of the fee payment plan. Students in Courses of Study Lasting Less than 15 Weeks