UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

3. The Office of Admission and Enrolment Management would do the necessary sys- tem checks to verify the information sent by the College/Faculty and would ensure that the enrolment records of the affected students reflect the changes. 4. The Office of Admission and Enrolment Management would write to the Receiv- ables Accountant to advise Of the collaps- ing of the module, the reason and the affected students and request that the associated fees be removed for the collapsed modules. 5. The Receivables Accountant would then review the submission and if approved, an adjustment will be done to credit the affected student’s account with the amount approved. 6. If the adjustment when applied, brings the student’s overall balance to a credit posi- tion; the student may apply for a refund or allow the funds to remain on the account to be applied to future charges. R E F U N D P R O C E D U R E – F O R L E A V E O F A B S E N C E ( LOA ) Leave of absence is the suspension of studies, up to the third week of the semester or aca- demic year with the approval of the University. In order to be classified as a LOA, the student should have no interaction with the ISAS sys- tem. This means the student should not have engaged in module(s) selection. Additionally, please note the following: 1. If the student applies for LOA after the third week of the semester, then s/he would not be eligible for LOA, but instead would be approved for a Withdrawal from his/her course of study; and under this cir- cumstance the withdrawal policy will apply (see page 100). 2. Informing a Faculty member of non- attendance at classes, does not constitute official notification or approval for official withdrawal from your course of study. 3. Students requesting LOA are required to complete a Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee Request (FSAAC) Form and submit it to the Registrar, through the Student Relations Office. 4. If the student applies within the stipulated time (up to the third week of the semester) and is approved for LOA, and the student has already made payment towards his/her fees; then s/he would be eligible for a full refund of fees paid for the semester that the LOA is approved, provided there is no other outstanding balance to the University. 5. The date on which the request is received by the Registrar’s Office will be used to compute the refund. 6. Students applying for a refund will be required to submit the original payment receipt and other supporting documents to the Student Relations Office. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 99