UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

from viewing grades and enrolling in subsequent semesters. 4. Provisionally enrolled students who utilize the University’s services by attending classes but fail to complete their registra- tion by the stipulated date, will NOT be allowed to sit exams. 5. Under such circumstances, the students’ modules and invoice will be removed and s/he will be charged an Incomplete Reg- istration Fee (IRF) of 50% of the total tuition fee for which full payment is expected in order to begin module selection for the next semester. 6. The names of the students who fail to settle outstanding payments may be pub- lished in the local newspaper, sent to the Credit Bureau, and to the external debt collector. 7. Before a student account is transferred to any of the medium stated above, reminder and demand notices will be sent using the email and address you have provided. 8. Once a student account has been trans- ferred to the external debt collector, an 18% service charge for the collector will be applied to students account, as such we urge all students to settle promptly. 9. Students who are in arrears will not be afforded normal student privileges, includ- ing access to the library / medical services etc. 10. Students are being reminded to ensure that they update their contact information on the system, so that they can receive notices, and any communication from the University. T H E S T U D E N T S ' L O A N B U R E A U T H E A P P L I C AT I O N P R O C E S S The Students' Loan Bureau (SLB) has been pro- viding access to tertiary education through financing for the past forty years. Across the organization’s forty years, thousands of persons have benefitted from tuition loans to assist with financing their tertiary level studies. The SLB funds tuition fees for studies being pursued at Universities – both publicly and privately owned, Community Colleges and Teachers’ Colleges, as well as other institutions approved by the Ministry of Education. The process of acquiring a loan from the SLB has evolved over the last four decades from a paper-based system of applications to being fully online. Applications for the Targeted / General loan facility are completed at the Bureau’s website – www.slbja.com. The SLB funds tuition and examination fees ONLY. It is important to note that, if you have failed a module and you are repeating, the SLB will not cover the cost of that repeated module. SLB beneficiaries must take the FULL COURSE LOAD required by the institution for the specified academic year. “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 93