UTech, Ja Student Handbook 2019-2020

to the Financial Aid Office with their Fee- Breakdown Sheet and a Letter of Undertak- ing from their sponsor. 2. Students should aim to finalize their spon- sorship, so that at the very least a written commitment to pay can be given by the sponsor to the University, by the census date in each semester. 3. Students who do not have approval for their sponsorship in time for the census date requirement, should visit the Student Financial Services Unit in the Department of Student Financing to work out a suitable payment arrangement before the census date. 4. Financial clearance can only be given with a letter of commitment to pay at least the minimum fee payment requirement, according to the approved payment plans. 5. Where sponsorship commitments are not received by the sponsorship office before the census date to allow for financial clear- ance, these students are subject to all con- ditionalities/penalties for non-payment as stated in the approved payment plan. 6. Sponsored students are required to pay all fees in excess of the amount covered by the sponsorship. 7. Sponsored students from any of the satel- lite campuses are required to take in their letter of commitment form the sponsor to the Administrative Office at the respective campuses; where the administrator of that campus will forward them to the Financial Aid Office at the Papine Campus for pro- cessing. 8. Sponsors are required to pay all outstand- ing fees within 30 working days of the offi- cial close of registration each semester. 9. Students must ensure that their sponsors adhere to the credit conditionalities and comply with the stipulated payment dead- lines. 10. If the sponsor fails to pay by the stipulated deadline, the student is ultimately liable and will be required to pay all outstanding fees, on demand. F E E P AY M E N T P R O C E D U R E S F O R S TA F F M E M B E R S & D E P E N D E N T S O F S TA F F M E M B E R S 1. Staff members or dependents of staff members who are eligible for a tuition waiver are required to submit their fee breakdown to the Human Resource (H.R.) Department for approval. 2. Staff members are required to meet the ECF requirement in order to begin module selection, pending approval of the spon- sorship through the Human Resource Department. 3. Once the H.R. Department gives the approval and states the value of the waiver this information will be forwarded elec- “ E X C E L L E N C E T H R O U G H K N O W L E D G E ” S T U D E N T F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 89