Student Handbook 2024-25

• Adobe Flash ( ) • Adobe Shockwave ( • Java runtime environment • VLC player UTECH PHARMACY The pharmacy is managed and operated by registered pharmacists with the assistance of pharmacy students and a Pharmacy Technician. It is a legally operated facility that is registered by the Pharmacy Council of Jamaica. The objectives of the pharmacy are to: 1. facilitate the learning process of 3rd-year pharmacy students, giving them real hands-on experience, and 2. provide pharmaceutical services to the UTech, Ja. communities. The pharmacy carries a wide range of prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, toiletries, first aid supplies, multi-vitamins, contraceptives, cough and cold preparations and much more. It also has an up-to-date computerized programme for processing prescriptions. Accepted insurance schemes include Sagicor, Medicus and National Health Fund (NHF). All Major Credit Cards and Debit Cards are also accepted. Pharmacists are available for private consultation regarding prescriptions, drug-related matters and disease concerns. Please feel free to talk to them. Opening Hours: Monday–Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Contact Information: Straight Line: 876-970-2492, Extension: 2301 UTECH REHABILITATION CENTRE FOR CHI LDREN WI TH EXCEPTIONALITIES The Centre, is governed by the College of Health Sciences (COHS) School of Allied Health & Wellness (SAHW). Daily rehabilitative and therapeutic care is offered to severe residents of Sophie’s Place Gordon Town a Mustard Seed Communities Apostolate. Each child is assessed and placed on an Individual Programme Plan to promote their ability through activities for their daily living skills in allowing each child to reach his/her maximum potential. The Centre is a shared space with The ShellyAnn Fraser Assessment Centre. We embrace the future growth and development of the University of Technology, Jamaica and Mustard Seed Communities and network with external agencies. ACADEMIC SUPPORT The UTech, JA Rehabilitation Centre provides opportunities for education, training and research in the field of Disabilities Studies. The Centre serves as a practicum site for BSc. students in the Child and Adolescent Development Course of Study and facilitates practical training and research opportunities for local, “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 78 SUP POR T SE R V I C E S FOR ST UD E NT S