OFF ICE OF THE CUSTOMER SERVICE ADVOCATE The Office of the Customer Service Advocate (OCSA) welcomes our undergraduate and graduate students. The Office is located on the third floor of the Main Administration Building and is responsible for developing and guiding a relevant customer service programme for the University. The Office seeks to ensure that the university’s customer service standards are developed and adhered to and plays a key role in establishing a culture of excellent customer service. The Office continues to employ a customer-centric approach to service by consistently encouraging a service-oriented culture to meet the needs of all our customers and stakeholders. Below are some on-going activities and new achievements. These include: • The introduction of the University Call Centre which receives inbound calls through the switch board and Avaya telephone. • The ongoing Net Promoter Score survey. • Monitoring of customer service standards. • Ongoing customer service training for all new and returning staff. • Ongoing Mystery Shopping activities. • Update of the university’s campus map. (The map is located between the College of Business and Management and the Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies). We are pleased to advise that, the lobby in the Main Administration Building is now open for your convenience, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., during the semester and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during semester break. In the event that you have a complaint, we encourage you to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. Additional Contact Information. Telephone: (876) 970-5844/46/48/927-1680-8 Ext. 2844/46/48 Toll free: 1-888-991-513 Fax: (876) 977-4388 Website: Email: OPERATIONAL GUIDEL INES FOR ATTENDANCE AT SCHEDULED CLASSES RESPONSIBILITY OF STUDENTS • Students should attend all scheduled classes consistently, in order to ensure the best opportunity for optimum academic performance. • Where absence is unavoidable for more than one class, the instructor should be notified. • Students should be punctual for all classes. • Class registers indicating the date should be signed by students in attendance for tutorials and laboratories. Registers should be kept by the instructor. If an instructor is not present for the first thirty (30) minutes of a class, without notifying the stu- “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” SUP POR T SE R V I C E S FOR ST UD E NT S 70