Student Handbook 2024-25

from, completed and submitted to the Department to be checked and routed to JAMVAT. The Department is located on the ground floor of the Student Services Building. Call 876-927-1680 extensions 2050, 2343 or2253 or 876-702-4536 or e-mail: GRADUATE STUDENTS’ LOUNGE The University has established a lounge for graduate students. The Lounge is equipped with workstations for computers, a relaxation area, restrooms, and a kitchenette. The lounge is adjacent to the Admissions and Enrolment, building. I NTEGRATED STUDENT ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM ( ISAS) UTech, Ja. has a state-of-the-art Integrated Student Administration System (ISAS). A major feature of this system is e:Vision, which can be accessed via the Internet from UTech’s website at e:Vision is an online tool that students must use in order to facilitate their academic journey through the University. Students need to ensure that they keep abreast of the “Calendar of Events” and “e-Notice Board” on the portal, so as to complete the relevant exercises within the allotted time. e:Vision will facilitate the following activities: 1. Pre-enrolment for returning students (specialisation/major-minor selection) 2. Selecting University and/or School Electives 3. Enrolling online 4. Updating online curriculum vitae 5. Updating personal/favourite links 6. Selecting payment plan 7. Viewing: a. Electronic notices and bulletins b. Payment schedules/fee breakdown c. Provisional module results d. Provisional course-work results e. Provisional Re-do results f. Provisional transcript results g. Account balances h. Flexible module selection/scheduling (semesterized students) i. Personalized class timetables (semesterized students) j. Personalized exam timetables k. Career Placement applications (final year students) The following activities will be available on e:Vision in the near future: • Online application • Online payment “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” SUP POR T SE R V I C E S FOR ST UD E NT S 60