Student Handbook 2024-25

THE COUNSELLING TEAM The Unit is staffed by a psychiatrist (part-time), a team of trained psychologists (psychotherapists), and chaplains. They are all competently trained in helping clients from varying backgrounds and cultures, with a wide range of personal and other issues. As counselling is a process that seeks to assist clients to focus on, and understand more clearly the issues that are affecting them, the counsellor’s role is to provide support and understanding, while listening and giving a non-judgmental response. Our counsellors respect your values, choices and lifestyle, and want you to experience the best quality life while at the University of Technology, Jamaica. DURAT ION OF SESS IONS Typically, each counselling session lasts for fifty (50) minutes. However, shorter or longer sessions are sometimes held – depending on the circumstances. While some matters might need only one session, others could necessitate months of regular visits. Additional sessions can be arranged at the counsellors’ discretion. All information given at the counselling session is held in the strictest confidence, unless the client gives instructions otherwise. Confidential sessions are held on the following issues: • Abuse • Addiction • Adjustment • Alcohol • Anger • Anxiety and Panic Attacks • Assertiveness • Change and Transitions • Concentration Techniques • Depression • Disabilities • Financial • Grief and Loss • HIV / AIDS • Insomnia • Loneliness • Parental Separation / Divorce • Phobias • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder • Psychiatry • Rape • Relationships • Relaxation Techniques • Religion/Chaplaincy • Self-Esteem • Self-Injury / Suicide • Sex and Sexuality • Stress • Time Management • Trauma T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 DI V I S I ON OF ST UD E NT SE R V I C E S AND RE G I S T RY 51