Student Handbook 2024-25

• Seasonal – e.g., during the summer, weekend • Voluntary. Maximize your university education through your interaction with this Unit by taking time out to do the following: • Get to know more about your interests, values and abilities by visiting us to do a career and or personality assessment. • Get advice when deciding to choose a major or making other career related decisions. • Attend our weekly Employment Empowerment Sessions, Thursday afternoons 3pm – 4pm, in Lecture Theatre 4(LT4). Come and leave feeling empowered to take on the world of work. • Experience real interviews through participating in our mock interview sessions; • Visit us to revamp your résumé. • Join our mentoring programme. You may view our mentoring handbook for further information on the programme at • Apply for job placement and become a part of the pool of job applicants prepared for job opportunities as soon as they become available. • Network with prospective employers at our annual job fair to be held in March. • Join us on Facebook (Placement UTech) and get constant updates on activities and events. • Visit our webpage Get updates on upcoming events, and discuss topics related to your career development. To participate in any of the above activities and events please email us at, call us directly at (876) 970-5030/5267 or visit us at the Department of Student Services located on the Papine Campus. COUNSELLING UNI T As we go through life, we are faced with many personal decisions and challenging problems. These can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming to handle. Many problems are solved through discussions with colleagues, friends, family, a lecturer, tutor, nurse, chaplain or counsellor. In some instances, it is best to obtain assistance away from one’s familiar daily environment. The University’s Counselling Unit is available to assist in addressing the needs of individuals who find it too challenging to adequately cope with life’s situations. Getting professional help is about seeking viable options towards positive change and empowerment in one’s life. Although there is no quick fix to every situation, talking confidentially with a trained professional is a major step towards resolving an issue. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” DI V I S I ON OF ST UD E NT SE R V I C E S AND RE G I S T RY 50