ORIENTATION WHAT I S ORIENTATION? Orientation, or as we call it here at the University of Technology, Jamaica the ‘Week Of Welcome’ (W.O.W) is what you get, a “WOW” experience! Usually, the 3rd week of August is busy with the orientation activities. It is intentional that each experience welcomes, informs, entertains, inspires and propels the new student into readiness for their academic success. All new and transfer students are required to participate in the week-long Orientation Programme, which contributes to the First Year Experience Programme. Being new in a large institution such as the University of Technology, Jamaica, can be very daunting. The orientation programme captures a vibrant campus atmosphere that make adjustments easier and allows all new students to confidently face the challenges and opportunities of University life. WHY DO YOU NEED TO ATTEND ORIENTATION? The Orientation Programme showcases the University’s history, traditions, available services in and outside of the colleges/faculties, co-curricular programmes and academic requirements. All of this is crucial and beneficial to every student attending the University and presents necessary guidelines for a smooth transition. The Induction Ceremony, with its pomp and pageantry is the culminating event of the week. New students are inducted into the University at this formal ceremony, chaired by a senior member of the University, attended by the University Chancellor, Officers of the University, the Students’ Union President and the Academic and Administrative staff. LEADERSHIP At the University of Technology, Jamaica we build, empower and produce leaders of exceptional character. As such, students are developed and trained to perform leadership roles with the utmost discipline, creativity and confidence. The programmes geared to cultivate the culture of exemplary leadership include: the Student Leadership Programme, the UTech (IRSS)/Student Leadership Development Programme and our High School Mentoring Programme. STUDENT LEADERSHI P DEVELOPMENT At the University of Technology, Jamaica we believe in training our leaders for effective governance within the ambits of the University and beyond. We prepare leaders for tomorrow, leaders of substance who will forcefully advance nation building. At our annual conference, student leaders are challenged to consider representational leadership at the national level as well as to nurture mindsets to impact global governance. All students elected and appointed to serve in leadership positions on the Students’ Union Council and on the Halls of Residence are required to “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” DI V I S I ON OF ST UD E NT SE R V I C E S AND RE G I S T RY 42