Moore, Assistant Registrar. He may be contacted at 876-970-5003 or 876-970-5073. U NIVERS I TY EXAMINATIONS CENTRE The University Examinations Centre (UEC) administers all major university examinations for undergraduates and post-graduates for all campuses locally, overseas and franchises/ outreach sites. The UEC also prepares and issues examination cards to students. The Centre is also responsible for the preparation of examination timetables, for all UTech, Ja. campuses and franchises, assigning of venues and scheduling invigilators for examinations. The UEC is the secretariat for Academic Misconduct Inquiry Panels (AMIP) and Special Appeal Committee (SAC) cases. The Centre is directly supervised by Assistant Registrar, Miss Sally Carter, and may be reached by tele-phone: 876-970-5000. The Centre is located on the ground floor of the Administration Building. Student visits to the Centre are not allowed. S TUDENT RECORDS OFF ICE The Student Records Office: • maintains a filing system of records of past and current students • creates files for new students, updates files as necessary, safeguards the security and confidentiality of all students’ files, liaises with Colleges/Faculties regarding all students’ academic records • stores and safeguards all examination results received • prepares and dispatches transcripts/statements/status letters and other student academic records, and provides external organizations with information relating to students and alumni status, in accordance with approved procedures • processes students’ academic awards for graduation • prepares statistical data and reports, as scheduled or requested • verifies the authenticity of academic awards, transcripts /status letters. The Office is directly supervised by Miss Ann Lodge, Assistant Registrar, Student Records and may be reached by telephone: 876-927-1680, exts. 2015, 2016 or 2020. The Office is located on the ground floor of the Administration Building. SCHEDUL ING OFF ICE The Scheduling Office is responsible for managing the operations and administration of all aspects of the University’s teaching timetable and classroom facilities. The unit guides the scheduling processes and ensures efficient and effective use and allocation of the University’s teaching resources from an institutional rather than a particular academic area perspective. The process incorporates the accurate collation of information relating to staff, students, curriculum and teaching resources. In addition, the “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” DI V I S I ON OF ST UD E NT SE R V I C E S AND RE G I S T RY 40