COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCI ENCES The College of Health Sciences (COHS) offers an impressive array of online/blended graduate, undergraduate and certificate courses of study for health related professions. Courses of study include Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacy Technician, Nursing, Midwifery, Critical Care Nursing, Dietetics and Nutrition, Medical Technology, Child & Adolescent Development and Health Information Technology in local, regional and global markets. The College is also committed to impactful research activities that will address and provide solutions to health care problems locally, regionally and internationally. The College’s three Schools, namely, the School of Pharmacy (SOP), School of Allied Health and Wellness (SAHW) and the Caribbean School of Nursing (CSON) are located on the main Papine campus with satellite campuses for undergraduate courses of study for the CSON in Montego Bay, (Barnett Clinic), and Franchise in Brown’s Town, St. Ann (Sigma). The satellite campus at Braemar Ave (Graduate Studies) manages the following PostBaccalaureate Doctor of Pharmacy, MSc in Health Administration, MSc in Public Health Nutrition, MSc in Nurse Anaesthesia, MSc in Trauma Studies and Integrative Counselling. The College of Health Sciences (COHS) offers options that not only facilitate student learning, but are convenient, accessible and affordable. FACULTY OF EDUCATION & LIBERAL STUDIES The Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies (FELS) comprises the School of Technical and Vocational Education (SOTAVE) and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS). The courses of study offered within the Faculty may be grouped under three broad areas: Technical Teacher Education and Training, The Creative Industries, and Languages and Humanities Social Sciences. A. TECHNICAL TEACHER EDUCAT ION One of the oldest offering of technical teacher education programmes in Jamaica the fouryear teacher education courses of Study prepare teachers in Business and Computer Studies; Industrial Technology (Construction, Electrical, and Mechanical), and Food Service & Production Management. The aim of these courses is to produce technical and vocational teachers who are equipped to function as teachers/trainers/administrators/middle managers in the technical and vocational training system at the secondary and post-secondary levels. B. CREAT I VE I NDUSTR I ES These courses of study target one of the fastest growing industries in the world at this time and seek to provide skilled professionals to advance Jamaica’s position in that industry. The courses include: Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts and Technology (BA CAT) which was conceptualized in response to national market needs for training options in the media and communication industry. This four-year degree, which is arguably the most comprehensive undergraduate communication and media degree in Jamaica, T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024 – 2025 GOV E RNANC E 25