University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

Administration (cont’d) Admissions & Enrolment Management 970-5014/832-6193 Career and Placement Office 970-5030 Counsellor 970-5460/5469/5028 Examinations 970-5000 International Students’ Coordinator 970-5179/970-5194 Office of the Customer Service Advocate Toll free 1-888-991-5130 Student Records Office 970-5020 Student Relations Office 970-5008/2359 Technology Innovation Centre 970-5505/5501 Accounts, Receivables 970-5057 Alumni Relations 970-5468 Cheque Disbursement 970-5013 Continuing Education, Open & Distance Learning 970-5037 Corporate Communications 970-5299 Centre for the Arts 970-5019 Drug Information Service 970-5304 Enterprise Applications Systems 970-5266 Finance & Business Services 970-5061 Financial Aid/Scholarship Office 970-5192/5219 Health Services Management 970-5459 Housekeeping Administrator 970-5455 Language Teaching & Research Centre 970-5447/970-5748 Library 970-5385/5386 Office of Intellectual Property 970-5576 Printery 970-5157 Safety & Security Office 970-5170/ 5552/ 970-5228/5553/5559 Sports & Physical Education 970-5096 Student Recruitment Office 970-5077 Students’ Union 970-5223/5286 Technology & Information Management 970-5196 UTech Academy 970-5087 TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 I MPOR TAN T CONTAC T NUMB E R S 258