University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

contains passed or failed modules taken by a student and any certification earned. 11. a. Go to UTech’s website at – Select the Students link (top-right hand corner) then – Select Online Academic Record Request System (OARRS) from Web Applications b. Make payment at Paymaster, Bill Express or UTech Payment Portal – NO NEED TO VISIT THE STUDENT RECORDS OFFICE; – Payment will be automatically applied to your request c. Request will be processed immediately after payment is received d. Track your request status online! 2. Fees for Transcript/Statement/Status letter- $1000; Express Transcripts/Statements- $2000; and Express Status letters cost $1500. No refund will be accommodated for any transaction done. ALL academic records are prepared for students who have cleared all financial obligations with the University. 18. HOW DO I APPLY FOR A CHANGE OF NAME? 1. Complete a Change of Information form available at the front desk of the Student Records Office, Administration Building, by August 31 for the current academic year. Important Note: A name change cannot be effected after a student has left the University. 19. HOW DO I REPLACE MY ID CARD? 1. Pay the $1,000 replacement fee at Accounts Receivable and request written authorization for the reprint from either the Admissions or Accommodation Offices. If you are a Resident Student (you live on campus), you should request your written authorization from the Accommodation Unit. All other students should request their written authorization from the Admissions Office. 2. Take both your original receipt and written authorization document to the ID Services Unit to get your ID replacement request processed. 20. HOW DO I CORRECT INFORMATION ON AN ID CARD? 1. Report the matter to the Admissions Office, which will make the necessary changes on the system and provide you with a written document, authorizing the printing of the updated/correct ID, to be taken to ID Services. 21. HOW DO I PREPARE FOR GRADUATION? 1. Register via graduation to attend the graduation ceremony during the period indicated in the section on Academic Calendar. TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 OT H E R FR EQU E NT LY AS K E D QU E S T I ON S 254