University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

1. Examination card 2. Valid UTech ID card 3. Financial clearance. Students must be registered with the University and enrolled on the module for the academic session in which the module is taken. 9. WHEN ARE EXAMINATION CARDS DISTRIBUTED? Cards are distributed at designated times during the weeks preceding the start of each University exam session. Dates are indicated in the Significant Dates section of the Handbook. 10. HOW DO I REPLACE MY EXAM CARD? 1. Pay the $200 replacement fee at Accounts Receivable. 2. Submit your receipt to the Examinations Centre, Main Administration Building. 11. WHERE DO I OBTAIN MY EXAM RESULTS? On eVision (Student Portal) 12. WITH WHOM DO I SPEAK REGARDING OMISSION OF MODULES FROM MY DIET? You may speak with the Student Affairs Assistant in your College/Faculty/School office, as well as your academic advisor or Programme Director (in the case of graduate students). 13. CAN I RE-DO A MODULE WITHOUT ATTENDING CLASSES? No. You must redo the module, i.e., register for the failed module, attend classes, complete all the coursework and sit the final exam if applicable. 14. UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS MAY I OBTAIN A GRADE REVIEW? You may obtain a grade review only if there were extenuating circumstances not known to the examiners, or evidence of irregularities in the conduct of the examination. 15. HOW DO I APPLY FOR A GRADE REVIEW? 1. Complete the Application for Grade Review form. 2. Pay the $650 per credit fee at Accounts Receivable. 3. Submit the form and receipt to your College/Faculty/School office. The submission of the form and receipt should take place during the 2-week period following the posting of results. 16. HOW DO I EFFECT A TRANSFER? 1. Complete the Request for Transfer form, in triplicate. The form is available in your College/Faculty/School office. 2. Submit to your current Head of School before July 31. Note: Transfers are not automatic and will be influenced by a variety of factors including your qualifications, academic status, aptitude for the discipline and space availability. 17. HOW DO I APPLY FOR AN ACADEMIC RECORD (TRANSCRIPT)? An academic record is a document that “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 253 OT H E R FR EQU E NT LY AS K E D QU E S T I ON S