1. HOW DO I TAKE A BREAK FROM MY STUDIES? 1. Complete a CSAAC/FSAAC form for a leave of absence or withdrawal. 2. Submit to the Students Relations Office, Student Services Building. Note: Normally, approval is given for only one year. This time period will be excluded from the calculation of the time taken to complete your programme. 2. HOW MUCH TIME DO I HAVE TO COMPLETE MY COURSE OF STUDY? For undergraduate students, the maximum time frame is the prescribed time frame (stated duration of the course of study) plus 3 years. For graduate students, the maximum time frame for completion of a course of study is stated for each course of study (please refer to the section of this Handbook where the various types of graduate courses are listed). 3. WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE FOR RE-ENTERING THE UNIVERSITY/A COURSE OF STUDY AFTER A PERIOD OF ABSENCE? 1. Complete the Application for Re-admission form. 2. Submit to the Admissions Office. 4. WHEN DO I REGISTER AS A STUDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY? Registration takes place 3 times per year – Semester 1, July-August, Semester 2, January and Summer session, 5. AS A YEARLONG STUDENT WHEN DO I REGISTER FOR A RE-DO? In order to register for a Re-do you must have already registered as a student of the University in the periods indicated in No. 4 above. The dates are indicated in the Significant Dates section of the Handbook. 6. WHEN ARE RE-DO EXAMS OFFERED? During semester 1, semester 2 and summer session examinations. This is subject to the availability of modules. Students are encouraged to discuss with their academic advisor and programme directors such matters. 7. WHAT IF I MISS AN EXAM? 1. Notify your Head of School as soon as possible. 2. If it was due to illness, submit a medical certificate within 5 working days of the missed exam to the Health Centre Administrator. Otherwise, you will be assigned a zero. 3. Missed exams will be recorded as a failure. 8. WHAT DO I NEED IN ORDER TO SIT AN END-OF-SEMESTER AND SUMMER SESSION EXAMINATIONS? TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 252 OTHER FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ’s)