“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” TR AN S F E R CR E D I T AND EX EMP T I ON PO L I C Y 241 number of credits required for the taught component graduate course work. Acceptability of Modules a. Transferred credit must be earned for graduate work equivalent in level to the graduate course being pursued. b. In the case of graduate courses governed by professional bodies, account will be taken of the policies of those bodies. c. In keeping with the University’s grading policy for graduate courses and minimum GPA requirement, credits transferred from another institution must be for graded, graduate level modules in which the student earned a minimum grade of “B”. 1.6 PROCEDURE a. The applicant should: (i) Complete the Application for Transfer Credit form, and enter the details of the modules for which he/she wishes to be evaluated. (ii) Attach supporting documentation (detailed module outline/description, syllabus, examination papers, transcript, etc.) for each module he/she wishes to evaluate. The Applicant may also be requested to attend an interview. (iii) Have an official transcript from each transfer institution mailed directly to the Office of the Registrar at least four (4) weeks prior to the start of the semester in which the Applicant will be enrolled. Exceptional cases that cannot meet the four-week deadline should be referred to the Registrar, through the Head of School, for consideration. b. The appropriate Subject Leader/Programme Director/Module Coordinator will evaluate the application two (2) weeks prior to the start of the first week of classes. c. The Head of School/Department then approves the form and submit it to the Assistant Registrar within four weeks of the start of the semester for directing changes to the applicant’s diet, i.e, a transfer credit to be entered in the applicants diet on EAS. d. Once the evaluation is complete the Applicant will be notified in writing by the respective Faculty/College of the result of the evaluation by the end of the first week of classes. Students are strongly advised to apply for transfer credits as soon as they have confirmed their Offer of Acceptance. Students must continue attending classes until the transfer is granted and, where required, complete all assignments until the transfer is confirmed. All transcripts and other documents filed in support of transfer credit request become the property of UTech, Jamaica. 2.0 EXEMPTION (GRADUATE/UNDERGRADUATE An exemption is (a) the award of credits for workplace or professionally certified experience