University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 232 CONSIDERATION OF COMPLAINTS i. Where a complaint is made, an investigation shall be carried out to determine whether it has merit. The aim of the investigation is to provide a speedy response / resolution as is necessary. ii. The subject of the complaint is to be informed of the complaint raised against him/her, except where the complaint is made under an anonymous cover or where the subject is not identified. iii. Where a complaint is made under anonymous cover, the University will consider it only where there is sufficient information to ground an investigation. iv. Complaints which are received regarding the services provided by an external organization with which the University has no involvement are not covered under the provisions of this Policy. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNIVERS I TY STAFF MEMBERS A. ALL STAFF All members of staff, who are actively engaged in the duties of their desk, shall avail themselves of the receipt of a complaint submitted by a student. B. HEAD OF UNI TS/SCHOOLS/FACULT I ES/ COLLEGES/DEPARTMENTS It shall be the responsibility of the Head of Unit/School/Department/Faculty/ College to ensure that guidance is given to staff members regarding complaints which are presented for their consideration. Such an individual shall also ensure that an appropriate record is kept of all complaints received and their status through the establishment of a Students’ Complaint log in the format represented in Appendix 2. C. CUSTOMER SERVICE ADVOCATE The Customer Service Advocate is responsible for considering all complaints which cannot be resolved within a Unit/Department/School/ Faculty/College. The Customer Service Advocate: i. shall keep a record of all complaints referred to the Office with the attendant outcome. ii. will provide a quarterly report to the Academic Board regarding the complaints that have been made to the respective Units/ Colleges/ Schools/ Departments and their respective status. PROCEDURES FOR THE HANDL ING OF STUDENT COMPLAINTS A. STAGE 1 i. The complainant shall complete the form as reflected in Appendix 1 and submit same to the College/Faculty/Department/ PO L I C Y AND PROC E DUR E S FOR HAND L I NG ST UD E NT COMP L A I N T S