“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 231 I NTRODUCTION The University of Technology, Jamaica is committed to the continued improvement of the experience gained by students. The concerns of students are therefore welcomed as the University aims to achieve this. The Policy makes provisions therefore for the handling of all complaints brought to the attention of the University. POL ICY STATEMENT UTech, Ja endeavours to handle complaints in a way that: i. encourages informal conciliation; ii. is fair and efficient; iii. treats complaints with appropriate seriousness, empathy and confidentiality; iv. facilitates early resolution. SCOPE OF THE POL ICY ON HANDL ING STUDENT COMPLAINTS This policy applies to all aspects of a student’s educational experience at UTech, Ja. Students may make a complaint about any of the following: i. Other students of the University ii. Academic, administrative staff and support staff (including continuing, contract, subcontract or casual, visiting appointments, guest lecturers) iii. Visitors to the University v. People external to UTech, Ja. that students interact with as part of an approved external programme of study such as work experience, industrial or clinical placements, continuing education or exchanges. vi. Physical and academic environment WHAT I S A COMPLAINT? A complaint is a statement expressing dissatisfaction with a request for action or response. For the purposes of the Policy, the following will not be treated as a complaint: i. An initial request for information ii. Matters related to academic judgment iii. Matters related to admissions WHO CAN MAKE A COMPLAINT? A complaint can be made by any student (or someone acting on their behalf) affected by the services provided by the University. POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING STUDENT COMPLAINTS