University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 223 An Independent Study (IS) may be taken as a project, a module or as a modality for the completion of a required course of study. Different institutions have different purposes for an Independent Study. In all circumstances, though, the privilege to be allowed to take a module by Independent Study (IS) will be at the discretion of the Faculty/College concerned. It is anticipated that a student who wishes to pursue a module by independent study will be self- motivated and conscientious. At the University of Technology, Jamaica, an Independent Study may be approved for both graduate and undergraduate students under the following conditions: 1. Where students are desirous of pursuing projects that do not fit within the framework of the regular course offering and which are intended to be truly independent projects of a special nature relating to the students’ course of study. 2. Where due to curriculum changes, a module is no longer offered as part of the course diet, and advanced level students still need to complete such a module. If the module is offered in another accredited programme in a tertiary instution, a student could be recommended to take it with that institution. 3. Where due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness (supported by medical certificate), or other emergencies, a student was unable to complete a module which is not offered every semester. The student would, therefore, have to wait an additional semester or more to do the module. In such cases, students may request the floating of an alternative but relevant module on an Independent Study basis that will enable him/her to satisfy graduation credit requirements within the shortest time span. 4. Where only a student or a few students register for a module that would not be economically viable to the institution if delivered under normal course delivery arrangements, and may additionally cause time-tabling challenges, a request for an Independent Study may be granted. APPROVAL OF THE MODULE/S TO BE DEL IVERED BY I NDEPENDENT STUDY Prior to the commencement of the module delivery, the lecturer should obtain approval as follows: INDEPENDENT STUDY