T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF T E CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 180 10.3 attendance with or without one or more members of the School/Internal Examination Panel at viva voce examinations and oral examinations which are held at the discretion of the external examiners; 10.4 confirmation, by joint signature with Chairman of Faculty/College Board of Examiners, of the pass and classified lists of candidates including recommendation for the award of degree, diploma, certificate and other academic distinctions; 10.5 submission to the President, as Chairman of the Academic Board, reports on the examinations and on any matter relating to the organisation, syllabus and structure of the Course of Study, with copies submitted to the Deputy President, Academic Affairs, and the Dean, as Chairman of the Faculty/College Board. Reports on examinations shall include: 10.5.1 the overall performance of students relative to peers in similar courses of study 10.5.2 the strengths and weaknesses of students 10.6 such other duties as the Academic Board may specify from time to time. 11. The Faculty/College Board of Examiners may adjust the marks of any student, taking into consideration the advice of the School/Internal examination panel, the external examiner and the overall performance of the student. Where there is disagreement within the Faculty/College Board of Examiners about results or classifications, the view of the external examiners shall prevail. 12. Unresolved disagreement between external examiners shall be reported to the Academic Board. 13. External examiners shall be present at all meetings where the performance of candidates, (which contributes to the final award), is being considered. 14. In exceptional circumstances, the Deputy President, Academic Affairs, acting on the authority of the Academic Board, shall make arrangements for the external examinination of a course of study during the absence of the external examiners. This may include the submission of written reports or the appointment of substitute examiners or both. 15. The Academic Board may prescribe that the external examiners shall be present for consideration of all stages of the examining of a Course of Study. APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL/ I NTERNAL EXAMINATION PANELS 16. Acting on the authority of the Academic Board, the Faculty/College Board shall appoint a School/Internal Examination Panel to verify the examination of a RE GU L AT I ON 4