T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 176 APPOINTMENT OF COLLEGE/FACULTY BOARD OF EXAMINERS Subject to the final responsibility of the Academic Board, the examination for Courses of Study and the assessment of performance and determination of the academic progress of the students enrolled therein shall be undertaken by Faculty/College Board of Examiners. 1. For undergraduate Courses of Study, the Faculty/College Board of Examiners shall be the Faculty /College Board of Examiners. The Chairman of this Board shall be the Dean of the Faculty in which the Course of Study is located or, in his or her absence, the Vice-Dean. Otherwise, a member of the Academic Board shall be appointed by the Deputy President, Academic Affairs, acting on the authority of the Academic Board. 2. Members of the Faculty/College Board of Examiners shall be the Head of the School or Department in which the Course of Study is located, the Programme Director(s), the Examination Officer, Faculty Administrator, the External examiner(s) and any such persons approved by the Academic Board. 3. The duties of Faculty/College Board of Examiners shall be: 3.1. to receive provisional results and recommendations from the School/Internal Examination Panel, 3.2. to determine the results obtained by candidates and, where such results lead directly to a degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction, to forward to the Registrar, for transmission to the Academic Board and, where appropriate, to external bodies, lists of successful candidates, classified in accordance with the relevant course of study regulations, with recommendations for the award of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions, 3.3. to determine on behalf of the Academic Board the academic progress of students on the basis of their performance in examinations and other forms of assessment, 3.4. to ensure that the examination and assessment of candidates are conducted in accordance with regulations and procedures prescribed by the Academic Board, REGULATION 4 – REGULATIONS GOVERNING EXAMINATION IN COURSES OF STUDY