Student Handbook 2024-25

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 175 GRADING SYSTEM – GRADUATE STUDENTS The grading system that is applicable to graduate students in taught graduate courses, as well as for the taught components of graduate research degrees (MPhils and PhDs) is found at Section 5.2 Table 1. N.B. Some graduate modules and Theses and Dissertations are assessed on a Pass/Fail basis. The relevant key codes and explanatory notes specified in Section 5.2 Tables 1 and 2 above are applicable to graduate students. GRADING POL ICY 1. The final result for each module is expressed as a grade and grade point. A graduate module will have been passed if the final result is grade B or above. 2. A student’s overall academic performance will be determined by weighting each module grade point earned in accordance with its credit allocation and expressed as a Grade Point Average (GPA). The calculation of graduate students’ GPA is the same as set out in Table 4 above. 3. Except for special requirements, usually of an external nature, the final grade for a module is determined by weighting the allocation of marks for coursework assignments and final examination. 4. If a student has failed a module, he/she must redo the module and the assessment components, including coursework and final examination. The final grade for the module will be the weighted average of new coursework and the new final exam mark. GRADUATE ACADEMIC AWARDS To obtain a graduate award, all modules satisfying the conditions stipulated in the course of study must be passed and a Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 earned. Graduate awards are classified as follows: Note: For students to be awarded a Credit or Distinction, all modules must be successfully passed on the first attempt. The course of study must be completed within the maximum time frame. AC AD EM I C PROGR E S S AND GR ANT I NG OF AWARDS FOR GR ADUAT E ST UD E NT S Class of Award Percentage Scale Minimum Grade Point Distinction 80–100 4. 0 Credit 75–79.9 3.67 Pass 65–74.9 3.0 5. Students have a maximum of two opportu nities for the assessment of coursework work and sitting a final examination in a module.