“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 171 6.2.3 PASS a. A minimum accumulative GPA of 2.00. b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. 6.3 ASSOCIATE DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES 6.3.1 WI TH MER I T a. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.16 b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. c. All modules must be passed at the first sitting. 6.3.2 PASS a. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. b. The Course of Study must be completed within the maximum timeframe. 7. COMMUNI TY SERVICE PROGRAMME (CSP) All undergraduate courses of study (bachelors degree, diplomas and associate degrees) or diploma students at UTech, Ja are expected to contribute a minimum of 45 hours of his/her time to a (Community Service Project (CSP 1001) assignment of his/her choice in an institutional or community setting approved by the University. Successful completion of the Community Service Project (CSP) is required for graduation and will earn a student one credit. However, this credit will not be used when determining the GPA or class of award. 8. POL ICY FOR EFFECT ING STUDENT NAME CHANGE A student may request that official records be adjusted to reflect a change in his/her name. For graduating students, requests should be made no later than September 30 of the graduating year. The request should be made by completing, in duplicate, the “Application for Effecting Name Change” form, available at the Student Records Office. A certified copy of the legal document attesting to the change must accompany the application. The Student Records Office will, after receiving the request, effect the change on the student’s records and send a copy of the form to the Head of School. The name that will be used on a student’s academic records is that which occurs on the last registration form completed by the student, unless a request for change of name is made. A name change will not be effected after a student has left the University. The Dean’s List prepared at the end of each academic year, recognizes those students who have achieved academic distinction in a College/Faculty. To qualify, the student must attain the following qualification: a. GPA of 3.67 and above b. Passes in all modules on the first attempt. General criteria The Dean’s list is applicable only for students doing the Bachelor’s degree who have taken a minimum of 24 credits within the specified academic year. RE GU L AT I ON 3