“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 159 RE GU L AT I ON 3 2. STUDENT STATUS (cont’d) Terminology Definitions Withdrawn – WWIP Authorized withdrawal (after written approval has been granted) from a course of study after commencement of classes, for a period of time following a student’s written request to do so (See Section 3.27). Withdrawn – WWOP Withdrawal from a course of study, where no written approval has been granted to a written request, for a period of time without notifying the university or having official authorization to do so (See Section 3.27). Discontinued – DI An undergraduate student’s status will move to “Discontinued” if he/she is on Academic Probation for two (2) cumulative years of enrolment. See section 9.0 for information on academic probation for graduate students. Students with “Discontinued Status” may apply for admission to another course of study at the next application period. Expired - EP Studentship has ended as a result of failure to meet the requirements for an academic award within the maximum permissible time for completion of a Course of Study. Students with “expired status” at the end of the academic year may reapply for re-admission. The award conferred after successful completion of the Course of Study is subject to the Transfer and Exemption Policy.