Student Handbook 2024-25

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” 147 THE STUDENTS’ ACT IVI TY CENTRE The Students’ Activity Centre (SAC) is an area designated for social and recreational activities for students. This area is home to the Students’ Union Council Consultation Office and Conference room. Broadly speaking, the facility is devoted to student recreation and socialization. COMMUNI TY OUTREACH SERVICES The Students’ Union provides an opportunity for the growth and development of the students we serve and also for those in our immediate/surrounding communities. This is done through organizing sustainable activities that will be impactful and beneficial for the betterment and development of participants. In an attempt to fulfil this desire to contribute, the Union plans and executes two major signature projects each year. 1. THE “TEACH THE YOUTH” PROGRAMME This programme was developed in the summer of 1999 to carry out remedial and other educational work, directly benefiting two communities. The programme has since been expanded to five communities: Kintyre, August Town, Tavern, Highlight View and Sandy Park, and it is now mandated as an annual event. Despite being on a two year hiatus as a result of the pandemic the council is pushing to see the reintroduction of the flagship initiative in this academic year. 2. “NAT IONWIDE TAG DRIVE” Students traverse the country in an attempt to solicit funds to aid various charitable organizations and or needy individuals. The “Tag Drive” consists of a week of activities in semester one each year. These include a church service, a “Celebrity Dutch Auction”, a collection in the Kingston Corporate Area and, on the final day, an island-wide collection. The Tag Drive is geared towards empowering students to gain levels of self-fulfilment from knowing that they are participating in an event that benefits the less fortunate in our society. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS There are several student-based associations at the University of Technology, Jamaica. These recognized clubs/societies fall under the auspices of the Students’ Union Council. Through recent amendments, the First Vice President, Clubs and Societies in association with the Director of Elections governs all proceedings of clubs and societies ranging from students’ activity clubs and professional societies to cultural, religious and special interest groups. The clubs comprise students from various Colleges/Faculties/Schools and Programmes, while the societies are aligned to specific disciplines. They all offer students an opportunity for increased social interaction and the ability to ST UD E NT LI F E