Student Handbook 2024-25

“EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” SE CUR I T Y 143 transactions. Use the legitimate channels and institutions recommended by the University when paying fees, and be absolutely sure you are familiar with options taken. Otherwise , if in any doubt seek advice from the Offices of the Student Services or Student Financing and keep note of any specific officer on whose advice you acted on. To engage otherwise it may be interpreted that you are complicit with the activity and be subjected to police investigations. • Never leave valuable items unattended or exposed in a motor vehicle, especially on seats. Such act attracts thieves. • Always double check to ensure car doors and windows are secured. • Be selective of places chosen to lodge, find out the characteristics of the community and determine how to navigate around. • Use legitimate transport services if not those provided by the University. Get information from the Student Union Council on recommend options for safe transportation. • Plan your daily routines and avoid having to travel with unnecessary resources or valuables. • Keep family and trusting friends aware of your whereabouts when off campuses. • Make use of Social Media resources if you suspect your safety is about to be compromised when off campuses. • At social events , avoid becoming intoxicated and losing self control. It becomes far too easy to be taken advantage of when you cant think or act rationally. • If involved in an accident, think clearly, be calm and evaluate the possibilities before alighting from motor vehicle. • When driving, respect the lives of others, be courteous to other road users and avoid speeding or reckless maneuvers. In light of all the forgoing guidelines and advice, students are reminded that Safety and Security becomes everyone’s responsibility. The University remains committed to satisfy all its obligations in such regards and urge adherence to all safety and security measures so that everyone may enjoy the benefits of an incident free environment.