to visitors are posted on each dorm and SHOULD BE OBEYED. HALL VI S I TAT ION PROCEDURES • Visiting hours are between 12 noon and 10 p.m. daily. • Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight on the Halls of Residence. • Visitors are not allowed in the utility areas. • The Resident Manager or the Resident Assistant reserves the right to ask any visitor whose behavior is considered inappropriate to vacate the Hall. • Verbal abuse, physical abuse, and threats of physical abuse on the residence halls are strictly prohibited. Violence and harassment are definitely not tolerated. • Tampering with or misusing fire alarms (including sounding a false fire alarm), fire extinguishers, fire hoses, sprinkler heads, or any fire equipment, or limiting egress from the buildings by tampering with exit signs and doors is also a violation of Ordinance 14 of the University rules. Disciplinary action will be sought against students found in violation through the Office of the University Registrar. • Participation in emergency drills is mandatory. Disciplinary action will be sought against students who refuse to participate through the Office of the University Registrar. • Observation of quiet periods must be adhered to, as outlined in the Resident Students’ Handbook. ROOM VI S I TS • Students should not entertain visitors in their rooms without the consent of their roommates. • Visitors must be accompanied to and from the room by a resident. • Room visiting hours are between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily. HALLS OF RES IDENCE SWI PE/ACCESS CARD REPLACEMENT If a student damages or loses his/her Halls of Residence swipe card, he/she will be required to pay a replacement fee of $1000. Swipe/Access cards are the property of the University and should be taken care of. They should not be twisted, bent or punched to accommodate key rings. CAMPUS EVENTS Safety and Security Department is vested with the responsibility and is the final authority in granting permission/denial for student oriented events to be held on the University’s campus. Events Request Application forms may be obtained from the following offices: Safety and Security Office , Office of the Student Union Council, The Student Services Office, The Accommodation Unit, the Sports Department, Faculty, Faculty Offices or at Applications MUST be submitted a minimum of 10 clear working days prior to the date of the proposed event. Late requests will not be considered. Students are therefore encouraged to plan their events in a timely manner that will allow for the necessary reviews to be done by the Safety and Security Department, Office of the Environment Health Officer and other consulting parties. Students are responsible for monitoring the status of “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” SE CUR I T Y 141