T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 138 DI SASTER MANAGEMENT, EMERGENCY RESPONSES AND SAFETY DRI LLS All University facilities are fitted with firefighting resources such as fire extinguishers and may also include Fire detection alarms or suppression systems. Some systems may operate automatically when a fire is detected or may require the use of a pull station to activate warning alarms. Every Department and Faculties are also served by staff acting as safety wardens while providing applicable support to security personnel. Students are expected to immediately evacuate any building occupied and to do so safely and orderly whenever a fire warning is raised. In such circumstances , all persons are required to make their way towards the nearest Assembly and Gathering Point. The Front Play Field and the Back Play Field are the designated Emergency Gathering/Assembly Points on the Main Campus and students must familiarize themselves with evacuation routes and assembly points when using any facility on the University Campuses. Safety Wardens and Security Personnel will provide necessary guidance and assistance during emergency situations. PARKING REGULATIONS AND SECURI TY GATE PASSES FOR MOTOR VEHICLES Note: This Measure Is Temporarily Suspended in Keeping with Safety Precautions Being Currently Observed During The Period of The Covid -19 Pandemic. However, Applicable When Operations Return To Normal. Security personnel stationed at the main points of entrance to the University will normally issue a laminated gate pass to each motorist entering the campus. The gate pass must be returned when exiting. Any motorist who is unable to return the issued gate pass will have to prove ownership of the vehicle to the Duty Operations’ Officer at the Safety and Security Department and pay a $500 fine at Accounts Receivable in the Administration Building. The fine paid for the lost gate pass is refundable once the pass has been found and returned to the Safety and Security Department with the issued receipt. The opening hours for the Accounts Receivables Cashiers are 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday–Friday. Should a need arise outside of these hours, please contact the UTech Security Operations Officer on duty to make the requisite payment. Gate passes should not be left in the vehicles but be kept on your person at all times. Declaration of all equipment, computers, other peripherals or any other personal electronic items entering the campus via the gates of entry, should be made to the Security Officer on duty and their serial numbers recorded to ensure your belongings can be verified. Parking regulations are in force from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, except in areas otherwise specified. However, vehicles parked on lawns and sidewalks or blocking exit/ entrances at any time will be clamped. General parking is provided for students on a firstcome-first-served basis. Individual spaces cannot be reserved. SE CUR I T Y