Student Handbook 2024-25

Some students are also qualified to sit these overseas examinations, and it is the policy of the University to accommodate them whenever possible. EXTERNALLY-MODERATED EXAMINATIONS In the case of externally-moderated examinations, the question papers and answer scripts are referred to competent professional persons outside the University who act as external examiners/moderators, in keeping with the policy of the University to maintain quality and acceptable academic standards. COMPLET ION OF I NSTRUCTOR/ COURSE EVALUAT ION FORM Two weeks before the end of each semester, each class will be asked to complete “Students Instructor – Module Evaluation” forms during class time. These should be returned to the class representative immediately. The evaluation can also be done online. (See page 257–259). The responses will be analysed and the results may have implications for both course delivery and content. PROJECT ASSESSMENTS Students should observe their College/Faculty deadlines for submission of projects. I NSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES TAKING EXAMINATIONS 1. To be admitted to an examination you should have complied with the conditions in the Ordinance and Regulations, and paid the prescribed fee or made alternative arrangements with the Office of Finance and Business Services. It is your responsibility to note the specific closing dates for registration for all university examinations. The onus is on you to complete and submit the required entry forms and to pay the required examination fee. 2. You are required to be present in the examination venue fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled start time. 3. You will not be admitted to an examination later than thirty (30) minutes after it has commenced, except with the permission of the Registrar. 4. You must remain silent at all times during the period you are in the examination venue, unless permitted to speak by an invigilator. You must not attempt to communicate by any means with another candidate. 5. Borrowing or lending of material or equipment is not permitted. 6. Jackets, handbags, books, pencil cases, calculator cases, programmable calculators, electronic organizers, electronic devices or other personal belongings and materials “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” EXAMINATIONS 128