Student Handbook 2024-25

I DENTIFICATI ON FOR EXAMINATIONS Students without a valid UTech Identification (ID) Card will not be allowed to sit final or coursework examinations. A BSENCE FROM EXAMINATIONS A candidate who is unable to write examinations/module assessments because of illness is required to submit a medical certificate to the Student Relations Office through the University’s Health Services Administrator. The medical certificate may be obtained from: T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 EXAMINATIONS 125 RESCHEDUL ING O F EXAMS UNDER OTH ER CIRCUMSTANC ES The University will not normally reschedule examinations under other circumstances. Affected students are encouraged to write examinations at the next available sitting, subject to the approval of the Registrar. Students who have missed examinations should apply to CSAAC/FSAAC which will make the appropri-ate decisions for students to sit the missed examination at the next available sitting with or without payment. R EG I STR AT ION ON MODU LE S Students should ensure that they are correctly registered on all modules for which they are attending lectures by checking e:Vision. Failure to do so may result in such students being disallowed from writing examinations for modules for which they might think they are registered. E X A M I N AT ION R E CE I PTS An examination receipt is issued to each stu-dent upon his/her submission of an examina-tion script, or other piece of work/assessment, given by a lecturer that will contribute to a module grade. i. a medical practitioner at UTech Medical Centre or ii. a personal medical practitioner. The medical practitioner is required to send a confidential medical report using the designated form to the Medical Practitioner at the UTech Medical Centre so that your case may be considered by the Registrar. Designated forms may be collected at the UTech Medical Centre or downloaded from e:Vision and UTech’s website. Please note that the University reserves the right to request an examination by its medical practitioner. The medical certificate should be presented to the Student Relations Office through the University’s Health Services Administrator (Forms should be taken directly to the University Medical Centre) within seven working days of the