Student Handbook 2024-25

prior to the start of the scheduled examination period as published in the Student Handbook. UNI VERS I TY REGI STRAR Upon receiving the request from the Director of Sport/Programme Director, if approved, the University Registrar will send appropriate documentation to the University Examinations Centre. The Dean and Head of School will inform the student of the decision. COLLEGE/FACULTY/SCHOOL • The Dean/Head of School will review and sign the “Examination Reschedule Form” and the Head of School will inform the lecturer/s to set alternative papers. • Lecturer/s will be required to prepare examination question papers for such student/s within the specified period. • Lecturer/s submit examination paper/s to School Examination Coordinator. • College/Faculty submits examination paper to the University Examination Centre by the end of the final week of the scheduled examination period. UNI VERS I TY EXAMINATIONS CENTRE Upon receiving the examination paper from the College/Faculty/School, the University Examinations Centre will indicate the rescheduled date, time, and venue of the examination/s, in consultation with the College/Faculty/School and conduct the examinations. PREREQUISITES • All questions regarding rescheduling of examinations should be directed to the University Examinations Centre. • Examinations will not be rescheduled to a date earlier than that of the scheduled examinations as published in the Student Handbook. • Failure of the student to attend the rescheduled examination without a medical certificate or evidence of other mitigating circumstances, will result in a zero being automatically assigned. Redo fees will be applicable, if the student fails to attend the rescheduled examination without a medical certificate or because of other mitigating circumstances. • Students should not do more than two (2) examinations in any given day. • The rescheduled examinations should be held within two weeks after the scheduled examinations. • Changes to the final examination schedule must be authorized by the University Registrar. The University encourages students’ participation in a variety of competitive and recreational sporting activities, seeks to facilitate holistic development of the students, and is committed to providing support for students to succeed academically. EXAMINATIONS 124 “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ”