As an academic community, the University seeks to establish and maintain an environment conducive to effective teaching, learning and research. This requires the co-operation of all members of the community to ensure academic and intellectual freedom and maintain the highest standards in teaching, learning, research, evaluation and personal integrity. In addition to being bound by the policies, laws and regulations of the University, registered students are also bound by the specific regulations of the programme in which they are enrolled. They are expected, therefore, to familiarize themselves with these regulations. The University is a public institution that provides educational opportunities to a large student body and serves a wide variety of interest groups. Thus, it is important for the institution to have a set of rules to govern the interaction of students, faculty and the wider University community. Acceptable standards of student conduct are based on common sense and common courtesy. Students who breach the University or Faculty Regulations by failing to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner by violating the rights of others, by damaging University property, or by being found guilty of breaching the Regulations in another way may be asked to discontinue their studies. CLASS ATTENDANCE Consistent class attendance will ensure you the best opportunity for optimum academic performance. Absence from laboratory/practical classes and/or courses where class work contributes to the final grade will have a negative impact on your student achievement. College/ Faculty-specific requirements exist for some programmes. DRESS CODE Students are expected to follow acceptable standards of dress and proper grooming. Undergarments should not be visible. Some programmes require the wearing of specific clothing for sanitation and safety reasons and students must dress accordingly. T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 121 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES (ALSO SEE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT CHARTER)