Student Handbook 2024-25 You cannot be registered unless the requisite fees have been paid. However, fee payment alone is not registration; all the other procedures and steps must be completed. On the Students’ Portal – Click on the link ‘Click here to enroll’ located under the “Action” column in your in-tray and follow the instructions to complete your enrolment. Proceed to the medical centre to submit your medical form or to make arrangements for the medical to be completed by the UTech Practitioner. Failure to complete your medical will bar you from being a beneficiary of the health scheme. Proceed to the Department of Safety and Security located on the ground floor of the main Administration building at the Papine campus to process your identification card. (N.B. At least one hour time span must be given after the completion of the online enrolment steps before proceeding to the ID Services Unit.) EXTENS IONS OF REGISTRATION FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS • Extensions of registration may be granted by the College/Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee as required and in exceptional circumstances. • During the final year of studentship , where it appears that the requirements are unlikely to be met by the maximum date, students MUST apply in writing, through their supervisor, for an extension to the College/Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee for such extensions to be granted. • The application should detail the reasons for the extension being sought and may include the difficulties that might have been experienced, and why the candidate is unable to complete in the expected time. These difficulties should have been referred to in the student’s progress reports over the period. • The student and supervisor must provide the Committee with a realistic estimate of the time required to complete the course. The time period should be no longer than one calendar year. • Extensions are not granted automatically. • Requests for extensions must be made in advance. • Where an extension is granted the following steps must be taken: o A Student Extension Request form must be signed by the student and lodged by the College/Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee, through the Programme Coordinator or the student’s supervisor. o Fees will be calculated for such students based on the extension period and applicable policies. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” REGISTRATION AND ENRO LME NT 118