Student Handbook 2024-25

Ques. 26: Can unused funds paid by my sponsor /donor for an academic year be utilized in future academic years? Ans.: Yes. A credit in one academic year may be transferred to another academic year by making a written request at the Student Financial Services Unit in the Finance Division. EXAMINATIONS Ques. 27: If my account has an outstanding balance, will UTech, Ja give me the opportunity to write my final exams? Ans.: Once you are a fully registered student you will be able to sit your exams, even if you have a balance on your account. Ques. 28: I paid my fees in full but no modules are printed on my exam card. Will I be allowed to write the exams? Ans.: No. It is the responsibility of the student to check E:Vision to ensure that the modules registered for, are on his/her diet. Missing modules must be reported to the Admissions Office immediately, and not to the Accounts Department. REFUND Ques. 29: If I have overpaid on my fees, what is the refund procedure and how long will it take? Ans.: Students must complete the Refund Request Form and submit to the Student Receivables Department in the Finance & Business Services Division, along with copies of the “Fee Breakdown” and all payment receipts for the academic year for which the refund is being sought. Students will be advised via email when their refund is processed. Ques. 30: If I pay my fees to register and then I am approved for a loan from the Students’ Loan Bureau during the year, when will I receive a refund? Ans.: A student can only be refunded his/her portion after the Students’ Loan Bureau remits payment to the University, which is usually at the end of the academic year. Ques. 31: If I need an official estimate of my tuition fee to take to a financial institution for assistance, what can I do? Ans: The student can request a letter/statement from the Student Financial Services Unit in the Finance Division indicating an estimate of fees. This will take a minimum of seven (7) working days. STATEMENT OF FEES Ques 32: Can I get an official statement of my account balance? Ans: Yes. Students can obtain a statement from the Student Financial Services Unit in the Finance Division. This process may take a minimum of seven (7) working days. Students may also visit the Students’ Portal for a system generated balance. REGISTRATION Ques. 33 After I have received my fee breakdown and made the necessary payments, am I registered? “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 112