Ans. No, SLB does not pay for re-do's, ancillary fees or zero credit courses. Ques. 19: If the Students’ Loan Bureau pays my fees, will I be awarded the ‘Grant-In-Aid’? Ans.: Not all loan recipients are awarded grants. The Students’ Loan Bureau awards ‘GrantIn-Aid’ to students after evaluating their loan applications. Students should check with the Students’ Loan Bureau to see if they were approved for a grant. Ques. 20: What if I only need the ‘Grant-In-Aid’ and not the loan from the Students’ Loan Bureau? Ans.: The Grant-In-Aid is only approved for loan recipients deemed needy by the Students’ Loan Bureau and as such, students who do not receive a loan will not be given the Grant-In-Aid SPONSORSHIP/SCHOLARSHIP Ques. 21: If I register with a Letter of Commitment for sponsorship/scholarship, and the sponsor gives me the payments directly, can I make the payment at the bank or bill payment agency after receiving the cheque from my sponsor? Ans.: No. All cheques originating from a Letter of Commitment for sponsorship must be presented to the Sponsorship Unit of the Financial Aid Office (FAO) for processing. This will ensure that both the sponsor and student’s accounts are accurately updated. Ques. 22: If my sponsor /donor commits to paying more than my fees, will UTech, Ja give me a refund after receiving the commitment, even if the sponsor has not paid the actual money to the University? Ans.: No. A Letter of Commitment cannot be used to process a refund. Refunds can only be considered after payment is received in full and a student’s account is assessed to ensure that he/she has settled his/her full tuition obligation. Ques. 23: If my sponsor/donor pays more than my fees and my account is in credit but I have made no out-of-pocket payment, can I get a refund? Ans.: No. Even if the student’s account is in credit but the student has NOT made an out of pocket payment the student cannot get a refund unless the sponsor instructs the University in writing to make the payment to the student. Ques. 24: If I am sponsored or a recipient of a scholarship, but I paid an excess on my tuition, will the excess be refunded to me? Ans.: Yes. You may request a refund of the excess paid by you; however, this can only be refunded after the sponsor has paid the amount committed. Ques. 25: What will happen if I receive a full sponsorship/scholarship after being approved for the Students’ Loan and Grant-In-Aid? Ans.: The student is required to immediately inform both the Students Loan Bureau and the Sponsorship/Scholarship Unit in writing. The Bureau may require the student to forego the loan, however, if the student wishes to keep both the loan and the scholarship, s/he must write to the Bureau and make a formal request to do so. T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 111