Student Handbook 2024-25

Where a donor wishes to provide non-tuition school related financial assistance to a sponsored /scholarship student; a one-off disbursement to a student per academic year. N.B. Only, one disbursement will be done per academic year; as the University is not a financial institution and therefore cannot do multiple third party disbursements. The Scholarship donor is required to: • write a formal letter to the University expressly indicating their intention to cover a non-tuition, school related expense. • indicate the purpose for which the allowance is being paid (eg. Learning device, books, travelling, food etc.) • indicate the name(s) and ID numbers of the students for which the payment of allowance is intended • Indicate the amount to be allocated to each awardee • remit payment in full to the University to cover the identified expenses To facilitate the disbursement of the funds, the Scholarship Office is required to: • prepare a written request for the disbursement along with disbursement sheet T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 103 Date Request has been received by Faculty/College/School Office % Refund Programme withdrawal for a Semester 0–10 working days from commencement of classes 90% of Tuition 11–25 working days from commencement of classes 60% of Tuition Beyond 25 working days after the commencement of classes *No refund Within 5 working days from commencement of classes 90% of Tuition & Exam 6–15 working days from commencement of classes 60% of Tuition & Exam Beyond 15 working days from commencement of classes *No refund REFUND PAYMENT SCHEDULE (TUITION) – DUE TO WITHDRAWAL * A student is not entitled to a refund beyond 15 and 25 working days after the commencement of classes, as per table above. The student is therefore liable for all outstanding fees as per module selection and would be required to settle fees in accordance with the terms and conditions of the fee payment plan. Students in Courses of Study Lasting Less than 15 Weeks