Student Handbook 2024-25

indicated their intention to enroll. Students who withdraw from their programme during the semester or cancel their enrolment prior to the beginning of the semester may deprive others of the opportunity to gain entry for that semester. This may create enrolment vacancies which cannot be filled and ultimately may prevent the University from achieving its income target. Therefore, any refund of fees for Programme Withdrawal for a semester, will be in strict accordance with the guidelines outlined below: 1. Students desirous of withdrawing from their programme for a semester are required to give written notice to the University Registrar. 2. Informing a Faculty member of nonattendance at classes does not constitute official notification or approval. Written approval from the Registrar is required for a refund to be considered under the University’s Refund Policy. 3. Students requesting withdrawal should complete a ‘Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee Request (FSAC) Form’ and submit it to the Registrar, through the Student Relations Office. 4. Refunds are processed in accordance with the stipulated Refund Payment Schedule for Withdrawal. 5. Requests for refunds outside of the stipulated Refund Payment Schedule will not be approved. 6. Registered students who have made part payment of fees and have applied for withdrawal after the specified deadlines (outlined in refund schedule), will NOT be entitled to a refund and will be required to pay the remaining fees before they resume their course of study. 7. If the request is received outside of the stipulated deadlines, all outstanding fees for the semester of withdrawal must be settled before readmission is granted. 8. A student who is expelled or suspended will not be entitled to any fee refund for the semester in which the violation occurred. 9. Students who write to the University Registrar and are granted permission to withdraw from a programme will receive a refund of tuition fees according to the Refund Eligibility Schedule set out below. 10. The date on which the withdrawal request is received by the Registrar’s Office will be used as the withdrawal date for computing the refund. 11. The postmark date on the envelope will be used as the withdrawal date for requests sent by mail, and that date will be used for computing the refund. 12. The Accounts Receivables Unit refunds tuition fees within six weeks, provided that all information and documents have been submitted by the Student Relations Office. T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024– 2025 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 101