Student Handbook 2024-25

2. Where sponsors overpay, refunds will only be paid to the student if the sponsor gives written instructions to the University for the excess funds to be paid to the specific student(s). 3. Without this written instruction from the sponsor, the overpayment on the account will be returned to the sponsor, at the end of the academic year. 4. Where the sponsor gives written instructions for the student to receive the refund, the student will be required to complete the refund application form and attach the supporting documents. 5. The completed application form is to be submitted along with copies of all receipts for funds paid out of pocket for the academic year (if applicable). 6. Sponsored students are required to identify themselves on the application form by indicating the name of sponsor(s), the amount received and the academic year in which it was received. 7. Refund applications are to be submitted online to the email address ACCOUNT OVERPAYMENT – SCHOLARSHIP RECI P I ENTS Scholarship recipients can only be refunded for the portion of their fees paid out of pocket. 1. Where a donor overpays, refunds will only be paid to the student, only if the donor gives written instructions to the University for the excess funds to be paid to the specific scholarship recipient(s). 2. These instructions must be sent in writing by the donor; identifying the student by name and ID number and state clearly how the excess funds are to be utilized. The Scholarship Office guides the recipient on the procedure to write to the donor. 3. Without written instruction from the donor, the overpayment on the account will be returned to the donor, at the end of the academic year. 4. This written instruction can be in the form of an official letter from the Donor; or an official email where the Donor’s full name and title are clearly stated. The Scholarship Interview Sheet is not sufficient to allow for the payment of funds to students. 5. Where the donor gives written instructions for the student to receive the refund, the student will be required to complete the refund application form and attach the supporting documents. 6. The completed application form is to be submitted along with copies of all receipts paid out of pocket for the academic year (where applicable). 7. Scholarship recipients are required to complete a specific refund form that is not used for self-financed or sponsored students. The form requires the scholarship recipient “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 98