Who is eligible to apply for a Post Grad loan? • Jamaican citizens of ages 18 to 65 • Students who have been employed in their current jobs for at least one year and whose places of employment facilitate salary deduction. How do I apply for a loan? RETURNING SLB BENEFICIARIES All returning applicants are required to submit a one-page electronic renewal application called a status report form by the application deadline to facilitate the renewal of their loans. • Visit the SLB website – www.slbja.com • Click on the apply online tab • Click the sign up tab to register • Follow the instructions outlined by the SLB to complete the application NEW APPLICANTS TO THE SLB New applicants are required to complete a 12page electronic application form and submit the relevant application documents within the specified time frame. Late applicants may communicate with the SLB’s Loan Processing Unit regarding a late application period and fee. • Visit the SLB website – www.slbja.com • Click on the apply online tab • Click the sign up tab to register • Read and follow the instructions provided to you by the SLB to complete the application. NOTE: New applicants can apply for an SLB loan prior to receiving an offer from the tertiary institution. What do I need to apply for a loan? 1. One certified passport size photograph (certified by a Justice of the Peace or Attorney). 2. Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN). TRN card or the slip issued by TRN Office must be presented. 3. One (1) Photographic Identification (one of the following) a. Valid Passport b. Valid Driver’s License OR c. National Identification (Voter’s ID) 4. Birth Certificate (original or Certified copy is acceptable) 5. Transcript/Examination results along with Student identification card (Applicable to students who are already enrolled in an approved programme of study). 6. Letter of acceptance for students who will be entering the institution for the first time. 7. Proof of banking information to include i. Name of Bank, ii. Branch, iii. Account Holder and iv. Account number. Proof can be in the form of (a) Bank book or (b) Bank statement 8. Income verification for all employed members of the household. Methods of income verification include: a. Letter from employer stating job title T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2024 – 2025 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 95