Student Handbook 2024-25

4. Students must be self-financed and should not be receiving sponsorship/scholarship to cover any portion of the tuition. 5. Students should not make any changes to their invoices after the Census Date. 6. Persons receiving Fee Waivers (grants) from UTech Ja.’s H.R. Department are not eligible. 7. Students who are employees of UTech, Jamaica are not eligible. 8. Students who serve on the Students’ Union Executive are not eligible. 9. Students receiving grants from the University’s Student Welfare Office or the Students’ Union are not eligible. 10. Students pursuing studies at UTech Academy, or Short Courses are not eligible. CONDITIONALITIES 1. The Rebate will be applied on all accounts where students pay 100% of fees by the Census Date. 2. Students may make multiple payments, but the sum total of those payments must be equal to 100% of tuition & miscellaneous fees by Census Date. 3. The 100% fee payment must be received by the University or its agencies (NCB, Bill Express, Paymaster, and JN) by 11:59 PM on the Census Date. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR FINANCIAL CLEARANCE 1. Financial clearance will only be given after students have selected and confirmed their modules, and have paid the required fees in full (including any outstanding fees from previous semesters). 2. SLB recipients, scholarship and sponsored students must pay the ancillary fees in full, in order to receive financial clearance. 3. SLB recipients, scholarship and sponsored students must pay any amount in excess of the amount covered by their sponsor/ donor, in order to receive financial clearance. 4. The financial clearance process has now been automated therefore students will not be required to visit the campus for “Financial Clearance”. Manual clearance is not available. 5. The Receivable Department, in conjunction with the Enterprise Application Systems (EAS) Department, will upload data provided by the payment agencies to the students’ accounts, based on the payment records received, in order to facilitate automatic financial clearance. 6. Students should refer to the Online Registration Guide on the Students’ Portal which outlines the steps for completing the enrolment Process. “EXC E L L E NC E THROUGH KNOWL E DG E ” ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 92