payment arrangement via salary deduction to settle 100% of balance outstanding, the student may receive financial clearance and be exempted from the facility fees. 8. If an employee settles the outstanding fees over the counter before and wishes to cancel the payroll deduction order; s/he may complete a Stop Order Request through the Student Debt Recovery Unit; and present the original receipt to substantiate the settling of the debt. The request will be reviewed and approval will be given by the Receivables Accountant (if the students account is fully settled), to cease the payroll deductions. FEE PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR EARN & STUDY STUDENTS 1. Students employed on the University's Earn & Study Programme are allowed to make tuition and boarding payment via the Earn & Study Tuition Payment Agreement. 2. This agreement will allow students to receive financial clearance for enrolment or boarding, by committing to pay these fees from future earnings under the Earn & Study Programme 3. The fees are deducted at source from the stipend paid to student work at each payroll period (fortnightly or monthly). 4. Students who do not adhere to the terms and conditions of the agreement are subject to all penalties applied to students with outstanding balances. 5. Interested students can make this arrangement through the Student Welfare Unit. 6. Arrangements will be made by the Student Welfare Office to collect the tuition payments at source, for each payroll period, until the full commitment is honoured. G UIDEL INES FOR TUI T ION REBAT E R AT IONALE In a bid to augment our fee payment offerings to students, the University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech, Ja.) has implemented an initia- tive to recognize and reward students who attend to their tuition requirements in full and on-time each semester. Students who pay 100% of their tuition and miscellaneous fees on-time and complete the 10-step process online to complete registration by the Census Date will receive a 2% rebate on tuition fees only. E LIGIBILITY CRI TERIA 1. All fully registered students both local and international, at the undergraduate level. 2. Students may be attending any one of the University’s campuses, including all satellite campuses in Jamaica. 3. Students must be fully registered and all fees paid in full by 11:59PM on the Census Date. T H E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO L OGY , J AMA I CA – ST UD E NT HANDBOOk 2024– 2025 ST UD E NT FI NANC I A L SE R V I C E S 91